I grew up in Berlin but feel at home in many places in this world. I love to travel and have lived in different countries, since I was a child. Exploring different cultures has enriched my life tremendously and gives me a deep knowing of the connectedness of all people.
I love hiking in the mountains, to walk and dance barefoot and to feel nature with all my senses. I love to see the beauty in all – and believe, that no matter how difficult a life-situation may look at the moment, that there is always a way to change, transform and shift to the better.
Inner Coaching was born in 2002 as the result of my work and experiences with hundreds of clients as a naturopath, yoga teacher, personal coach, Feng Shui consultant and seminar leader. I have been practicing and teaching yoga and meditation for over 20 years. Since 2002 I offer Inner Coaching seminars and trips into nature for people that wish to make a compact change in their life, or to renew and rejuvenate.
Over the last 8 years I have been exploring different styles of conscious & free form movement and awakened my experience of transformative dance through this continious process. I have developed my own style of “Dynamic Dance Meditation”, which I offer in seminars, workshops and retreats. The focus in my work is to create a safe, loving space where people can move, dance and transform to find the gifts of the present moment within.
My passion is to lead seminars in nature’s most beautiful places – for people who are open to their inner journey, adventure and nature experiences.
I am thankful to live in this amazing time, where we have the possibility and the potential to co-create new lives of joy and passion – and where everything is possible!