15 Jul WORKSHOP in Oslo | Pranayama – The Power of Breathing | August 2015
Inner Coaching & YOGA
Workshop in Oslo
Sunday, 2. August 2015
9.30 – 15.00
Pranayama – The Power of Breathing
In this workshop we will practice an energizing flow of Yoga-positions and focus on different pranayama to increase the vitality of the body and to relax and calm the mind.
Pranayama – is the practice of conscious breathing and literally means “to extend the vital life-force”.
Prana is the light and life-force energy that keeps our physical bodies alive.
During our life we develop emotional patterns that are linked with our breathing patterns. Most often the breath becomes automatic and the prana level goes down. With a low prana level our energy is not flowing sufficient through the bodies and we feel more tired, tense, stressed and worried. With a high prana level – we are feeling energetic and often look at life with a positive attitude.
In this workshop you will become consciously aware of your breathing patterns and learn several exercises to enhance your breath and prana (vitality) – level. Come and join in this energizing workshop! After lunch we will practice also deep relaxations and a guided meditation to align and harmonize with the present energies. You may bring some light food for lunch with you. We will have a tea and lunch break where some superfood chocolate and different sorts of tea will be provided.
All levels are welcome!
Unity Senter
Møllergt. 23
0179 Oslo
cost: 800,- NOK
Please bring comfortable clothes, a yoga mat and blanket, (a Yoga block and belt – if you have). Look forward to seeing you!